Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Food Fella of the Week - Kiki froms Kikis Bistro in Chicago

Full disclosure. Kiki is a cousin of mine, so I have gotten to eat many a mouth watering meal at the legendary french establishment in River North area of Chicago. No matter that my Fellas, Kikis is a classic French bistro perfect for any occasion. If you want to prime your girl(s) with romantic night out tasting escargot and frog legs with a beujolaias - or you want to impress the boss with a bordeux and perfect steak frittes - Kikis will not disappoint.

Here is a bio of our Food Fella of the KIKI taken off the Kikis Bistro website.-

Kiki, a native of Eastern France, began his over 50 years of restaurant business experience in Europe at places like La Closerie des Lilas in Paris, well known for its famous clients such as Ernest Hemingway. In December 1963, Kiki was brought to Chicago by Nancy Goldberg to help begin Maxim's of Chicago as its sommelier. This beautiful establishment has been donated to the City of Chicago. After Maxim's de Chicago, Kiki opened and became well known for his restaurant, Le Bordeaux on Madison Street in Chicago on January 1, 1969. Le Bourdeaux had an authentically French, dreamlike quality in a subterranean atmosphere, providing an escape into another world and attracting a unique blend of clientele. Kiki later expanded opening Le Bordeaux on Michigan in Chicago and finally opened his present restaruant, Kiki's Bistro.
A pic of Kiki, Denise, Zhen and the fam.

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